THE WALKING DEAD: Season 5, Episode 6: Consumed: Trailer & Clips [AMC]

Melissa McBride Norman Reedus The Walking Dead Consumed

TV show trailer & clips for episode 506 of AMC’s The Walking Dead, Consumed. With the Hunters put to (eternal) rest, Beth (Emily Kinney) earning some prison sculpted spine, at the hospital, and the Ford expedition pending recall, It is now time for the new dynamic duo, of Daryl (Norman Reedus) & Carol (Melissa McBride), to provide the last element to the upcoming mid-season finale.

Tailing the black car, with the white cross, is the first order of business, even with considerations for the badly improvised nature of the pursuit, and what it could mean for the rest of the group. The others, of course, would have no idea what happened to them. Tracking the grab car to Beth’s likely location, however, may be the easy part.

Regardless of how hostile Beth’s abductors might be, going back into metro Atlanta guarantees wading through Walkers, sure to result in an undead kill counter competition, for some fans (Who’s the Better Killer: Cougar edition). Somewhere along the way, however, the pair takes the time to pay their respects, to a slight, shrouded figure, fed to a makeshift funeral pyre.

I know what you’re thinking – and it’s not her. I mean, it could be; but do the math – it’s not. Inner demons has become the theme, for the post-Hunters run; and since this tender moment seems to be more for Carol’s benefit, than Daryl’s, I’m thinking an opportunity for Carol to come clean about her time on the road. Something Daryl had left an open invitation for her to open up about.

‘Consumed’ also features Tyler James Williams, and airs Sunday, Nov. 16, at 9:00pm EST, on AMC.

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Sources: SpoilerTV (1, 2, 3)

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