WONDER WOMAN (2017): Film To Have Lighter Tone Than Other DC Movies

Gal Gadot Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice

DC Says Wonder Woman Will Differ From The Company’s Other Films

The upcoming Wonder Woman will be much less gritty than such previous DC outings as Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad.

With critical reception to the studio’s last two DC Extended Universe productions being less than favorable, Warner Bros seems to be aiming for a more optimistic outlook in its next big collaboration with the comic giant. This decision was elaborated on by director Patty Jenkins, who compared the movie to Richard Donner’s fondly-remembered Superman:

“There’s a misconception that DC or Warner Bros. has made a conscious decision for all our movies to be darker or edgier,” said DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson. “That’s not the case. Fans of the DC universe know that there are characters, like Batman, who are darker, but there are others like Wonder Woman, who are hopeful, optimistic leaders, and the tone of this film represents that. Patty brought a beauty and a sense of lightness or humor, and a little romance to it. It’s a very aspirational movie.”

“Patty has really taken a very inclusive approach and tried to weave a lot of these disparate elements into one cohesive whole,” said Jim Lee, DC Comics publisher. “Fans who have been reading ‘Wonder Woman’ for decades will be really blown away by how [the film] synthesizes the origins and brings her into the modern era.”

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