X-MEN: Familiar Characters Will Appear In FOX Series

X Men Comic

Prominent X-Men Characters To Play Role In Fox TV Spin-Off

Matt Nix confirms that Fox‘s upcoming X-Men television series will feature some familiar faces from Marvel‘s famous team of mutants.

While it has already been confirmed that the show will take place in the same continuity as the 20th Century Fox film franchise, it was repeatedly stressed that the program will focus on its own unique story that is separate from the plot of the movies. That being said, people close to the project have explained that familiar elements from the films will appear, with the latest comments regarding said elements coming from Nix.

As a producer and writer on the program, Nix is in a unique position to confirm or deny what will happen in the show. He refrained from going into detail and repeated that the focus would not be on the X-Men, but explained that members of the team would still appear.

Per CBR.com:

Pressed about which characters Marvel Comics fans might expect to see, Nix replied, “The only thing that I would say is that it’s a … some of those things are slightly up in the air, but the fact that it’s a question I can’t answer tells you something.” He then added, “Suffice it to say it’s a show that contains some characters that fans will be excited about. I can’t talk about specifics, but it’s not like there are no X-Men in it.”

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