X-MEN: Rumor Says that Fox May Bring Series to Television


Fox Apparently in Talks to Adapt X-Men to Television. Rumors are swirling around the web about Fox discussing a way to expand the X-Men franchise by bringing it to the small screen. There has been no confirmation on whether this is true or not so no further information wasn’t available.

A report on Bleeding Cool states that Marvel’s team of mutants will get the TV treatment just like ABC with their show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The site also said that Fox is basically working on this as we speak to bring X-Men into our TV screens. The outlet also says that an announcement about the potential X-Men TV series might be made at this year’s New York Comic Con.

The X-Men franchise has been no stranger to being adapted into a live-action series. The mutant comic series was adapted twice on television with little to no success. The first attempt was for Generation X, a spin-off of the X-Men comics that aired as a telefilm in 1996 by Fox but was never picked up to series. Another attempt was made with the TV series Mutant X, which was separate from the film franchise despite it having similar storylines. Mutant X was a ratings success having run for three seasons but was cancelled after the production company Fireworks Entertainment was dismantled.

Would you guys like to see an X-Men TV series? If there was one made, who should be on the team? Can it be tied to the film universe?

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