DOCTOR STRANGE (2016): Benedict Wong Discusses His Role

Benedict Wong Doctor Strange

Benedict Wong Talks About His Role in Doctor Strange

When Wong makes his appearance in Doctor Strange, we can expect a different take on the character. Benedict Wong talked about the changes being made for his character and his role as a master. What kind of changes are we expecting for Wong? Well…

The people behind Marvel’s Doctor Strange faced a bit of a challenge into adapting the character of Wong for the film. Wong was originally portrayed as a valet/sidekick to Doctor Strange, but over time, he was updated to reflect the current times and move past the racial stereotypes. The studio decided to do the same for the film by making Wong a master of the mystic arts as well as a keeper of the relics of Kamar-Taj.

During an interview with Screen Rant, Benedict Wong gave his thoughts on his version of the character. “Well, I kind of think things like ‘manservant’ and ‘sidekick,’ we’re just gonna leave back in the past now,” Wong said. “I’m very much into looking forward into our modern take and back in on the beginnings of this origin story, now. So, you know, let’s turn a whole new page.”

In the film’s narrative, Wong serves as a teacher who trains Steven Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) in the mystical arts as these two guys share a powerful bond. Regarding Wong’s role as a mentor to Strange, he said:

Wong is in our world now, a master at Kamar-Taj training the fellow disciples and sorcerers, and [he’s a] protector of the Sanctum relics and these ancient ritual books, and it’s where we’ll see Wong and Doctor Strange come together and become, really, allies to fight against these extra-dimensional forces…I mean, obviously, [Strange] comes into this world very much as a rookie, and we discover and find out how Strange develops these amazing techniques that he has in the mystical arts, and that is something that Wong picks up on.

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