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TV Review: OUTLANDER: Season 4, Episode 4: Common Ground & Episode 5: Savages [Starz]

Sam Heughan Caitriona Balfe John Bell Outlander Common Ground

Outlander Common Ground and Savages Review

Starz’s Outlander: Season 4, Episode 4: Common Ground and Outlander: Season 4, Episode 5: Savages reviews. This article has been split into two parts. Click on “Next Page” at the bottom to read the second review.

Outlander Common Ground Review

The source of the bear attacks in Common Ground is unique. In Outlander, the viewer has seen darkness corrupt many people and twist them into human monsters. The best example of this is Captain of His Majesty’s Eighth Dragoons Jonathan “Black Jack” Randall, whose sibling was the only person that could see a residue of goodness in him. Unlike the “bear” in Common Ground, Black Jack still looked human and carried himself as a human (in public), which made him all the more dangerous.

The Cherokee banished for rape that masquerades as a bear in Common Ground will remind some viewers of psychopath Randall Tier from NBC‘s Hannibal that dressed in a hydraulic exoskeleton fitted with a Cave Bear’s skull and claws. Unlike Tier, Bear Cherokee’s mind has completely dissolved into his psychosis to the point where he can’t tell reality from delusion. Tier knew the difference between reality, fantasy, delusion, and just didn’t care. Bear Cherokee has lost the ability to distinguish between them.

James “Jamie” MacKenzie Fraser (Sam Heughan) taking the dead body of the “bear” to the Cherokee encampment in Common Ground is clever. No other peace offering would have been as effective as what Jamie drags to the Cherokee homestead. The story behind Bear Cherokee is interesting but not as interesting as what’s fostered during the impromptu meeting i.e. peace between the Cherokee and the Frasers. The fear that has surrounded the Cherokee and the Frasers because of Bear Cherokee’s terrorization is at its end. What better way to celebrate that occasion than with a verbal peace treaty and the fostering of new friendships.

The phone call between Roger Wakefield (Richard Rankin) and Brianna “Bree” Randall Fraser (Sophie Skelton) in Common Ground is stunted, a conservation as awkward for the viewer to watch as it is for the two former love-birds to conduct. Roger and Brianna each feels inhibited about saying what they really feel to the other because of the impasse their relationship is currently in. Previously, Roger had a multitude of things to say to Brianna but was afraid of saying too much when it came to his feelings. Now Roger is afraid of driving Brianna even further away because of those feelings.

Roger Wakefield’s marriage proposal placed his fruitful relationship with Brianna Randall on life-support. The result of that proposition and the emotional toll of the Jamie / Claire fire death news Roger comes across in Common Ground influences Roger’s initial decision not to tell Brianna of her parents’ death. Roger doesn’t want to be the bearer of bad news again, he doesn’t want that on his shoulders. He knows how that feels (he is still living in a practical example of it) and Roger doesn’t want to feel (or be responsible for) that again.

Roger comes to the correct realization in the final moments of Common Ground that keeping that news from Brianna would be even worse than telling her. The lie-by-omission would poison what is left of their relationship. By the time Roger comes to this realization, it’s too late, so to speak. If Roger chases Brianna to Scotland, how much farther will he chase her? If Brianna Randall goes back in time, will Roger Wakefield go back in time after her?

Outlander Savages Review

The viewer knew that Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser (Duncan Lacroix) had been transported to America for the remainder his prison sentence in Season 3 of Outlander. When Murtagh shows up in Savages after the death of Jamie Fraser’s other Scottish traveling companions in Season 4, it is a welcome surprise. Brianna Randall Fraser will bring the future into Claire and Jamie’s lives if and when she arrives. Murtagh brings the past with all of its humor, good times, and memories, whether they are cherished memories or bitter-sweet ones.

Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser also brings intrigue. No longer a follower, Murtagh Fraser is now a leader of men, a rabble-rouser, and political activist. With all that Murtagh has been through, he has been forged into a leader. Others see those qualities and follow him in Savages. Murtagh Fraser’s ardor about taxation (“theft” as he calls it) and the group of antagonized Scotsmen that he now leads is going to come to a head with Jamie and his clandestine position within the community. Jamie Fraser may now be giving Murtagh a free hand but that will not last long as the actions of Murtagh Fraser’s group intensify, become public, and unlawful. It’s only a matter of time.

The relationship between Dr. Claire Beauchamp Randall/Fraser (Caitriona Balfe) and Marsali MacKimmie Fraser (Lauren Lyle) has come a long way since their initial pugnacious encounters. Claire has morphed in Marsali Fraser’s eyes from an antagonist and husband-stealer (“whore” is the word Marsali previously used) to a confidante, someone “that has been there” when it comes to pregnancy and child birth. Claire Fraser is now a fountain of solace in Marsali’s eyes and to a smaller degree, Marsali has become the same for Claire, a sounding board of sorts for Claire about things that can only be expressed from one mother to another.

Gerhard Mueller (Urs Rechn) lets his anger prompt him to make a series of irrational decisions in Savages. Gerhard is looking for a reason to lash out at the Cherokee and uses water usage as the fulcrum for a physical altercation with them. He sees the Cherokee coming to his stream instead of utilizing another as a provocation. If there are three other local sources of water like Her Mueller says in Savages, it is dubious why the Cherokee would pick Mueller’s small stream (in front of his house) to water their horses (unless it’s closest to their homestead). Even that is no reason for Gerhard Mueller and his son to point their weapons at the Cherokee. If Gernhard Mueller is so afraid of the Cherokee, why did he move into the forest with them? Why not build a house in the nearby town or move his family to town? Free land and low taxation because of the work that you are going to have to put into that land is a favorable situation. Frontier living, however, is fraught with dangers, present and hidden, regardless if you have been given land to settle or not. Her Mueller should have realized that before he moved his family into a potential danger zone.

The later realization in Savages of the murder and scalping of Cherokee Medicine Woman Adawehi (Tantoo Cardinal) by Gerhard Mueller puts an end to any affinity between Mueller and Claire Fraser. One can only imagine how Mueller stalked, killed, then brutalized Adawehi’s dead body with a knife. Why take Adawehi’s scalp? For what purpose? What was going through Adawehi’s mind as this German family man was killing her? Did Adawehi know it was going to happen? Did Adawehi know (or think) that she couldn’t run away from her fate?

Because of the aforementioned act of violence, the creatively brutal death of Gerhard Mueller in Savages evokes zero sympathy from the viewer, though Petronella Mueller (Marie Hacke)’s death is horrible and unfortunate. As was previously alluded to, the innocent are fodder for the wolves that inhabit the American frontier. The first episode of Season 4 of Outlander proved that. Savages drives that point home like a hammered nail into a thick oak block. What the episode also drives home is that anybody can be a “savage” – (of an animal or force of nature) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled – given the necessary circumstances. The Bear Cherokee proved that in Common Ground. In Savages, Her Mueller meets his necessary, transmogrifying circumstances, which dehumanize him, twisting his actions until they are more abhorrent than those he demonizes.

The potential fire that kills Jamie Fraser and Claire Fraser is glimpsed in Savages with the burning of Gerhard Mueller’s home. As the fire burns and the Cherokee leave, one can perceive a similar fire doing Jamie and Claire in by flame and smoke. Jamie Fraser and Claire Fraser’s home has only one way in and one way out. If that entrance / exit is somehow blocked, and they can’t get to the windows, they will be killed.

The Brianna Randall letter that Roger Wakefield (Richard Rankin) reads at the end of Savages is like the end of a fairy tale for Roger. It’s the bookend to their relationship that he never imagines and one that I doubt he will let stand. The same love that pulls Brianna “Bree” Randall Fraser (Sophie Skelton) through time to her mother is the same yearning that will motivate Roger to follow Brianna. Brianna is not history yet. Roger knows that he can still re-write the ending to their story. He just has to be bold enough to step into that story again while the ink is still wet and the tale is still malleable.

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